The Penola Catholic School Advisory Council works to ensure that students at the College receive the best possible education at the most affordable price. Since the commencement of the College in 1995, considerable resources have been directed to the upgrading of facilities on both campuses to enable students to have access to a very exciting, relevant and interesting curriculum. The College is committed to an ongoing capital development program that will provide students and staff with the best possible facilities and provide all members of the College community with a pleasant environment in which to learn and work.

The Penola Catholic College Tuition Fees are all inclusive, that is, there are no ongoing costs for compulsory curriculum based activities including the Year 7 and Year 9 Camps, Year Level Retreats, the Year 7 and Year 8 Swimming Program and other various excursions and incursions. Additional costs include the College Uniform, the Year 7 and Year 10 Laptop Program, digital resources, text books/stationery, College school bag and optional camps, excursions and programs, including Instrumental Music tuition.

Student Tuition Fees - 2024

Year LevelAnnual Fee
Year 7$3,230
Year 8$3,380
Year 9 and Year 10$3,830
Year 11 and Year 12$4,385

A family concession will be granted to all families who have two or more students enrolled at Penola Catholic College. A discount of 10% for the second child, 50% for a third child and 100% for the fourth and subsequent children will apply. At present, the maximum family tuition fee is $8500.

A compulsory Building Fund contribution of $200 will be charged annually for each student enrolled at Penola Catholic College.

Penola Catholic College offers a choice of options to pay Tuition Fees. Families can choose to pay in full by end of February, weekly, fortnightly, monthly or per term.

- BPay (Biller Code and Ref. shown on statements - please note there is a different reference number for the fees & laptop accounts

- Automatic Credit Card Payments (Download Form once completed, send to or drop off to Accounts office)

    - Automatic Direct Debit Payments (Download Form once completed, send to or drop off to Accounts office)

    - Centrepay Deductions (contact Lisa Crosbie to arrange -

    - Credit/Debit Card Payment (by telephone during office hours 8am-4pm - Phone: (03) 9301-2777 and choose the school fee option)

    - Cheque (made payable to Penola Catholic College and mailed to PO Box 3233 Broadmeadows 3047)

    • EFTPOS (during office hours 8am-4pm)

    Please note: The College no longer accepts cash as a payment option.

    Parents/Guardians who hold a current Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) or Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) may be eligible to apply for CSEF. This allowance is paid directly to the school to use only towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. These costs are otherwise added to your child’s annual fees.

    The annual CSEF amount per student is:

    • $250 for secondary school students (2024)

    If you applied for the CSEF at Penola Catholic College in 2023, you do not need to complete an application form in 2023 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. The College will apply for the CSEF on your behalf.

    You will only need to submit an application form for 2024 if any of the following changes have occurred:

    • New student enrolments: your child has started or changed schools in 2024 or you did not apply at the same school in a previous year.
    • Changed family circumstances: such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2024.
    • Exiting Students: CSEF payment will be forwarded to the new school if funds were not used.
    • CSEF funds cannot be directly refunded to families.

    If a form was not lodged in 2023, parents or legal guardians are required to complete a CSEF application form and lodge it with their child’s school for processing.

    Application forms should be completed and lodged with schools as soon as possible in Term One, as payments are made from March onwards. However, schools will be able to accept and process applications up until the end of Term Two each year. A copy of your Health Care Card will need to be submitted with the form.

    CSEF payments are for the current application year and cannot be claimed retrospectively for prior years.

    Please note the following:

    Split Families

    The payment system only allows one application per family. Parents who have split fees (and who both hold a concession card) must make the decision beforehand who applies for the CSEF at the school on behalf of their children. The CSEF payment will then be split between both parents. A copy of both parent/guardian concession cards are required to allow the College to split the CSEF payment.


    Further Information can be found on the CSEF website

    Financial Assistance - Information for Parents (English)

    Financial Assistance - Information for Parents (Arabic)

    Financial Assistance - Information for Parents (Vietnamese)

    To submit the Enrolment Application form an Application Fee of $100 is required. Of this payment, $50 will be credited to your Tuition Fees account and the other $50 is non-refundable. Should your child not be offered a place at the College, $50 will be refunded. If you decide to cancel your application or do not accept an Offer of Place at Penola Catholic College, the full Application Fee will not be refunded.

    At the time of acceptance of an Offer of Place, the Acceptance of Enrolment Form will need to be completed and returned to the College together with a non-refundable payment of $120. Of this payment, $100 will be credited to your Tuition Fees account and $20 is allocated to your child’s combination padlock.

    When a student leaves the College, it is the parents/guardian’s responsibility to complete an Exit Form. This allows the School Fees to be adjusted. Without this completed form the student will continue to be charged Tuition Fees. The College expects accounts to be finalised by the time the student exits.

    Students under the age of 17 who are not transferring to another Secondary School need to seek an exemption to leave school for TAFE, Apprenticeships, Work and Alternative Job Training options.

    Exit Form

    Exemption from School Form

    Eligible Concession Card Holder

    To assist eligible concession card holder families to access a Catholic Secondary education for their child/children, please click the link below to view information and form.

    2024 School Fees Concession Program Eligible Concession Card Holder

    Special Consideration

    To assist school families experiencing financial hardship in accessing a Catholic Secondary education for their child/children, please click the link below to view information and form.

    2024 School Fees Concession Program Special Consideration

    Learning a musical instrument is a fun and rewarding experience. Penola Catholic College’s Instrumental Music Program provides students the opportunity to learn a musical instrument with specialist instrumental tutors. Students receive weekly lessons in a private or group setting in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. If your child wishes to partake in this program, please complete the enrolment form:

    Instrumental Music Program Flyer

    Instrumental Music Enrolment Form