Year 12 VCAL Community Service
Over the past few weeks, the Senior VCAL students worked collaboratively to clean and tidy the Dallas Neighbourhood House Community Centre. The students demonstrated teamwork skills, compassion, and commitment to service our community in need.

Last week’s group worked at the Dallas Neighbourhood head office in Broadmeadows preparing meals and packaging food parcels for the community in need. Due to tremendous work of the previous Year 12 VCAL groups, it allowed for the rest of the senior VCAL students to commence painting of the internal walls.

The students’ work demonstrated their achievements of the key learning outcomes in VCAL Personal Development Skills. I am very proud of the level of comradery and efforts to support our local community with Dallas Neighbourhood House. An overall fantastic job by all involved.

Year 10 VCAL Business Stalls
During JJAMM week our Year 10 VCAL students worked together to raise money for The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, which is one of the College’s listed charities. The students ran Business Stalls selling various foods and beverages. The students also ran Hoop Time and Handball Target events. The students managed to earn approximately $800 in revenue, which proved to a successful event. It was great to see their commitment and efforts to this worthy cause. I am extremely proud of the students’ efforts, and I look forward to further school-based projects like this in the future.

Daniel Catoggio
VCAL Coordinator
