Work Experience

From June 6-10, the Year 10 students participated in either Work Experience or the alternative program held at school. We heard many positive reports with some employees even wanting to keep our students. We hope that this week has allowed the students to explore a career in which they are interested in and given them some very important insight about their future. Below are some reports from our students in Year 10.

My work experience was an amazing experience because I got to work with many hair styles including blow waves, washing hair, drying hair, and dying hair. I got to spend time with a lot of my co-workers since I did my work experience at my current work placement. I fortunately got the opportunity to really understand and be educated in the way things are run, even more than I already would have from just one day a week. Work experience was a fun and educational benefit for me.
Michelle C (10J)

The year 10 alternative program for Work Experience held at school was organised very thoroughly. Each day we had interesting lessons and activities that were prepared by Mrs Fox and delivered by Mrs Graziano and Mrs Georgievski and LSO’s through the week. Michael, Landry and I felt pretty upset about not finding a placement outside, however we felt the internal experience theory and practical activities have prepared us for the real world. It highlighted our personal qualities and characteristics that make us employable, and it helped us establish our desirable pathway and goals for our future.
Michael W (10D), Landry B (10K) and Anthony S (10D)


Anthony: My highlight of the week was Friday’s activity, the Nasa moon landing analysis. This helped me exercise my leadership, negotiation and teamwork skills. It allowed to get a feel in how job interviews may be held in the future for me.

Michael: My highlight was receiving gifts for our participation; we all received a mug with chocolates and during our movie day we received popcorn and chips.

Landry: My highlight was exploring all the different careers and courses, which expanded my knowledge about what the job that I want is all about.
On behalf of the year 10 cohort at PCC.
